An 11 year old girl was playing hide and seek with her cousins and thought that the washing machine was a perfect place to hide in, until she found her self stuck.
Hiding in the washing machine she kept her hidden throughout the game but after she realized the game had ended. After the game she couldn't get out her mum helped her and also her aunt but they couldn't get her out so they called 911.
Last week we tried digital art and made an artwork using sumo paint. This shows how well we can use the internet to draw with Sumo-paint. When we started we had to find an artwork to get ideas from it and then we had to open a new tab with Sumo-paint.
Before we started drawing we had to look for the right online tools to use so our artwork can look fantastic. When I started I thought that it didn't look right for me so I started again on a new one.I had to start with the big curls then the little ones in the middle. Next I drew some zig zags in the inside of the big curls and the big curls. It reminds of the Maori patterns you see in meeting houses.