
Friday, 15 April 2016

Hello Kitty Themed Restaurant Opens

Hello Kitty Themed Restaurant Opens

The first Hello Kitty Themed restaurant has opened in Shanghai in Mainland China. The restaurant will serve cat shaped food and a drink. The cafe is split across to floors with a gift shop and huge models of the famous cat to pose next to. Most of the food and drinks in the restaurant are Hello Kitty shaped, including hamburgers, and cakes. Although this restaurant is the first one of its kind in Mainland China, a Hello Kitty restaurant already exists in Hong Kong.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

New Zealand's New Internet Cable

New Zealand is to get a second undersea internet cable link to the United states. The 14,000 km cable will be running by mid 2018. The cable will link New Zealand, the United States via Hawaii, and Australia, and would compete directly with the Southern Cross cable, which is half owned by Spark. It is expected to cost about $500 million dollars for you to use.                                                              Kiwikids News